Messaging me on @PolyRabbit3D on Discord (Please make sure to have the 3D at the end, or you'll be messaging a random person!)
General Messaging Tips:
I reccomend you message on discord because I'll be notified of your message request instantly, I'll be able to send wips more easily, and I'll be able to respond to messages if I'm not home.
If you message but dont quite know what to say it helps to send a small brief message first, even as breif as "Hello, Are you avaliable for commissions?" or "Hello, I have an enquiry". This helps me filter out messages that are spam or disingenuous.
I live in Australia, so my timezone is GMT+10, and I'm typically avaliable every time except between 11pm and 6am.
In some situations, Twitter messages wont give me notifications, so if I dont respond that doesn't always mean I'm ignoring the message. Feel free to try message on discord!